How To Introduce Digital Transformation

Posted by anthillsoftwareleeds in Insights - Last updated

Technology is constantly changing our lives. Across every aspect of our existence, cutting edge developments are transforming experiences for the better.

The business world is no exception. Each industry is facing technological overhaul and a failure to adopt and adapt digital transformation best practices will see countless companies left by the wayside.

So how can organisations look to introduce digital transformation into their own operations?

“Digital transformation closes the gap between what digital customers already expect and what analogue businesses actually deliver.

Greg Verdino

The answer will, invariably, be different for each enterprise. Your situation creates circumstances which are unique to yourselves.

The important thing is to plan and to take action. Remaining static and employing established methods will only work for so long.

It’s time to introduce digital transformation.

What Is Digital Transformation?

First things first; digital transformation is more than simply growing your technology stack to a gargantuan size. That, in fact, will only create confusion and siloed data systems.

Effective digital transformation has a keener focus on modifying existing business models and processes.

This is to allow businesses to best accommodate, and take advantage of, emerging technologies and opportunities.

“Digital transformation should touch all aspects of a business and how it operates.”


For many, the greatest transformation required is a change in culture and attitude.

Staff must be trained to work digitally, as well as being shown how adopting a new approach will not only improve results, but will make life easier for them personally.

As such, digital transformation is more than the incorporation of technology throughout a business. It takes into account best practices, skills and talent in order to optimise the business for the digital future.

The changes you make to introduce digital transformation today, will pay dividend time and again for your future success.

Introduce Digital Transformation In Your Organisation

Each organisation will have their own path. And the important thing to note is that the majority are still yet to commence their journey.

Only 8% considered their company fully digitised.

And 31% stated that they take on digital transformation projects on an ad hoc basis.


So for those enterprises looking to get the wheels turning for sustainable long term success, here are 3 tips to introduce digital transformation to your own operations:

Identify Your Digital Transformation Project

With so many options and avenues available to ambitious organisations, it’s easy to get bogged down in the detail.

Therefore, a critical first step is to establish exactly what digital transformation means for your company. From here, you can focus on one project at a time rather than total business overhaul.

The first step to improving your business processes is understanding them”.


Look at the bigger picture and take into account your challenges, maturity, industry, competition, value chain, customers and any other variables that influence your business.

With this information to hand, you can identify problem areas, methods of addressing these issues and end goals by which success can be measured.

Assess Your Situation & Establish A Roadmap

Once you’ve established the need to introduce digital transformation, you need to take stock of what capabilities you currently possess to achieve your aims.

A lack of consideration for current operational practices can leave companies vulnerable to either over or under transforming. This risks counteracting the initial intentions of the process.

Having realised your context, it’s time to map out the steps you need to take. Its always important to remember that any digital solution is a means to an end.

That is, it should help you attain your end goals and bring value both internally to staff and externally to customers.

Never add new technology for the sake of it.

Similarly, you can’t change everything at once. Establish progress markers on your roadmap to be able to evaluate how well you’re implementing change.

Prepare & Enact

Lastly, secure buy in from all stakeholders and prepare them for change.

“Communicating your plan and vision for the company is just as important as coming up with the strategy.”

It is widely accepted that successful digital transformation is as much contingent on cultural change within a business as it is technological change.

Provide employees with transparency, a clear structure and adequate training to prepare them for the digital transformation.

Once they’re on board, it’s time to take action and execute on your vision.

Stick to your process, adapt to evolving circumstances and reap the rewards of your decision to introduce digital transformation.

Ready to explore how Anthill can help you introduce digital transformation? Schedule a demo today.

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