Anthill Blog

Actionable Insights to Accelerate Growth

4 Ways Anthill Can Increase Profitability

Every company, irrespective of industry, channel, or location, should always be looking to increase profitability. Doing so, through a regular review process for incremental gains, can help an organisation stay as effective as possible. All whilst keeping an eye on both the competition and the latest trends. The risks of not doing so are simply […]

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5 Aspects of a Successful Digital Transformation Strategy

Evolving your operations is a vital part of keeping your company at the cutting-edge. And technology is often part and parcel of any iterative improvements you could make to beat the competition. But to ensure a successful transition, you need to have a robust digital transformation strategy. “More than half of retailers believe they will […]

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Implementing A Framework For Customer Experience Transformation

No matter the power of your products, or the value in your pricing, if your customer experience isn’t up to scratch you’ll find yourself losing customers to competitors left, right and centre. “Customer experience is an excellent starting point for digital transformation because it places the emphasis on creating a happy customer.” As a result, undertaking […]

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4 Ways Technology Is Redefining The In-Store Retail Experience

As technology continues to expand across every aspect of our lives, it comes as no surprise that retail customers expect to see a digital transformation taking place in the stores they visit. Change that began with barcodes and chip and pin machines has since evolved into self checkouts, interconnected sale systems and active stock management. […]

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6 Benefits Of Digital Transformation

In an increasingly technology driven world, the benefits of digital transformation are clear. Introducing the right software systems not only enables businesses to modernise legacy processes and accelerate more efficient workflows. Effective digital transformation actually strengthens security and increases profitability. “More than half of retailers believe they will have to introduce more technology into their […]

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Can Digital Transformation Make A Positive Impact? [Research]

Digital transformation is an inescapable focus across sectors, industries and nations. Without doubt, the world around us is becoming increasingly technology driven. With business operations naturally being looked at through the lens of evolution. “Global IT spending will total $4.4 trillion in 2022, an increase of 4% from 2021.” Gartner Recent global events have drastically […]

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Operational Transformation: From Where You Are Now To Where You Want To Be

Is your operation stuck in a rut? With legacy systems holding you back as you tolerate being locked between where you are now and where you want to be? The majority of companies are plateauing without even realising. Blinkered by consistent results yet hamstrung by an inability to kick on to the next level. Through […]

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How Tracking Trends Can Give You The Competitive Edge

Tracking trends, to draw ahead of the curve industry insights, is competitive gold dust. By being able to predict the next big shift, from your own customer data, you can unlock the secrets to a competitive edge time and time again. “Trend intelligence is the process of identifying emerging and latent trends that will impact […]

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17 Reasons Why You Need Anthill

Anthill is here to help put your customers at the heart of your operation. Designed with over 15 years of industry experience, our software exists to streamline internal processes and enhance communication at every stage in your customer journey. To ensure you can deliver the best possible customer experience, 100% of the time. Where out […]

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How To Embed Best Practice Behaviours

Aspirational organisations should be striving to embed best practice behaviours at scale. Not least because an absence of quality can compromise internal efficiency and customer experience alike. By knowing, and implementing, your version of best practice, the risks of inconsistency are drastically reduced. But how can companies ensure every cog in the wheel turns in […]

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